I've been a terrible blogger. If there's e-confession for things like that, I'll sign me up!
So there's this strange guy who's been darting me. Strange, you ask? We start with the part where he's Congolese and married with kids. In our first conversation, he did little to hide the fact that he likes chicks and tries to get around as much as he can while he's away from the wife. I made the ill advised decision to share my contact details with him (I know..) and what do you know? I'm being quasi stalked. He has been calling near tears saying he doesn't understand why I'm being so cold to him. When I stopped answering his calls, he resorted to WhatsApp. The oddest thing? His WhatsApp picture is of his wife! In her wedding gown!!!
I've honestly been beginning to wonder what happened while I was looking in the opposite direction. In 1 week I met 2 guys separately in casual settings who went about emphasizing their view that I'd better pounce (on them) because they're rare and I'd be liable to miss out. Really?
If you've been reading this and wondering what I'm on about, being a single girl above 30 isn't the same as being a leper in the olden days. We're not craving for what scrap of attention we can get from the table of your masculinity. We will not suddenly drop dead if you or one of your ilk don't offer us casual sex. (For crying out loud we're women ... we can get sex at the drop of a hat!) We don't necessarily like being single but it's a lot friendlier than being saddled up with such conversation.
And yes since the point has moved in that direction, I believe that all women can get sex whenever they want it, although not necessarily from the people they'd primarily want it from. I said it.